After an exciting week of four (!) Senior Signing Days (see more on that
here and
here), it seems only fitting that we're concluding with
#ProofPointDay. Proof Point Day is a chance to celebrate and support the journeys of first generation college students as “proof points” of what is possible (and it was founded by AF's outgoing CXO Chastity Lord).
“We are who we’ve been waiting for.”
— June Jordon
Today, people across the country are wearing green to show their first generation college pride or ally support. We're championing the efforts of those who are the first in their families to go to college - we know it isn't easy, and that visibility matters.
Our scholars said it best during their Signing Day speeches:

"I am determined to rise above the negative images and messages that kids in Hartford don’t go to college and cannot be successful. I want to show my siblings and other kids in Hartford that with faith, determination and constant belief in yourself, success is possible. I am determined to prove that I will make it, and I will not be stopped by anything put in my path." - Brianna, AF Hartford High '17, Brandeis University '21

“As one of the first in my family to go to college, I want to be an inspiration for my brothers to look up to. I will not be a negative statistic; I will be a positive one.” - Tamgy, AF University Prep High '17, John Jay College '21
For more information on how to get involved this year or in the future, visit the
Proof Point Day website.