Academic Program and Policy
- Cohort Resources
- Family Handbooks
- AF school name here Family Handbook 2016-17 CT - FINAL.docx
- AF school name here Family Handbook 2016-17 CT - FINAL SPANISH.docx
- AF school name here Family Handbook 2016-17 NY - FINAL.docx
- AF school name here Family Handbook 2016-17 NY - FINAL SPANISH.docx
- AF school name here Family Handbook 2016-17 RI - FINAL.docx
- AF school name here Family Handbook 2016-17 RI - FINAL SPANISH.docx
- Homework System
- Independent Reading Goals and Plan
- Elementary
- 16-17 AF Elementary School Complete Instructional Purchase List.xlsx
- AF Brownsville ES Estimates.IRBookPurchasing.xlsx
- ECCES IR Book Shopping Plan.docx
- ES IR ClassroomLibraryChecklist.docx
- ES IR ExemplarLibraryBinsLabels.jpg
- ES IR GenreBasedGraphicOrganizeFiction.docx
- Independent Reading Level- Bin Labels.docx
- IR Kick Off Overview.Must Have's List.docx
- IR Library Project Plan DSO.xlsx
- IR Library Training DSO 3.30.16.ppt
- IR Library Training Resources FAQ.docx
- Matching Scholars to Independent Level Texts 4-12. UsingStarData.docx
- Thinking Jobs by Genre Poster.docx
- Secondary
- Elementary
- Schedule and Staffing Plans
- 16-17 Schedule Rubric ES FINAL.DOCX
- 16-17 Staffing Recs and Scheduling Guidance Revised 3.25.16.xlsx
- AF Hartford HS 2016-17 Schedule - Printable.docx
- AF High School Policies 16-17 FINAL.docx
- Core Practices 16-17 Schedule Rubric MS 2016-2017.docx
- Core Practices 2016-17 Schedule Rubric with HS specific parameters.docx
- HS Minimums v5 16-17.docx
- HS Schedule and Staffing 15-16 and 16-17.xlsx
- Schedule and Staffing (MS) - 16-17.xlsx
- Scope and Sequence Overviews
Staff and Leadership Team Development & Management
- Co-Teaching Guidance
- Teacher Development Plans
- TIR Program Guidance
- School Summer PD Plan
- AF Endeavor ES Y4 Summer Training Schedule.docx
- AF Endeavor ES Y5 Summer Training Calendar.docx
- School Based Summer PD Guidance 2016-17 Final ES.docx
- School Based Summer PD Guidance 2016-17 MS and HS Final.docx
- School Based Summer PD Guidance 2016-17 MS and HS Final.docx
- Summer PD 2016-2017 School Based Time Schedule Template and Example MS.xlsx
- Dean & Leadership Team Management Guidance
- Unit Lesson Planning
- Weekly Staff Memo
- 04 - Rise Staff Memo 2009-09-20 1 .doc
- School Weekly Staff Memo Samples
- Core Practices 2016-17 OnePager Staff Memo.docx
- KIPP INF - KIPP Notes - 09-13-09.doc
- KIPP INF - KIPP Notes - 10-03-09.doc
- Staff Notes 1.12.09 number 14 Thomas Keller and the Pursuit of Excellence .pdf
- Staff Notes 12.7.08 number 12 MLK and the Fierce Urgency of Now .pdf
School Culture and Special Services
- Behavior Policy and Interventions
- Special Services Guidance
- Achievement First Social Worker Roles and Responsibilities 2016-2017.docx
- [Download not found]
- Start of Year Samples
Intellectual Prep
- Unit Unpacking Protocol
- Looking at Student Work Protocol
- Intellectual Prep Protocol (IPP)
- Sample Lesson Model with IPP