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Achievement First Achievement First

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  • Craft

    • Attempts to establish and maintain a formal tone in writing.
    • Almost always writes in 3rd person plural; appropriate verb tense;
    • Establishes and maintains an appropriate distance with regard to purpose and audience;
    • Limited use of contractions.
    • Almost always writes with an appropriate distance, with regard to audience and purpose, maintaining consistent style and tone. Almost no vague pronouns.
    • Consistently writes with an appropriate distance, with regard to audience and purpose, maintaining consistent style and tone.
    • N/A 5th and 6th
    • N/A 5th and 6th
    • N/A 5th and 6th
    • N/A 5th and 6th
    • Attempts to use rhetorical device (i.e., rhetorical questions, analogies, figurative language, parallel structure) to engage reader.
    • Attempts to use multiple rhetorical devices to engage reader.
    • Attempts to use multiple rhetorical devices to engage reader. Use of varied syntax attempts to engage the reader.
    • Effectively uses multiple rhetorical devices to engage reader.
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  • Fluency

  • Concision

    • Mostly uses complete sentences.
    • Simple and compound sentence types are used.
    • Sentences are free of obvious fragments and run-ons.
    • Some sentences are varied in length and structure. Although easy to read aloud, writing may have some choppiness.
    • Sentence beginnings vary, but sometimes they are routine, generic.
    • Sometimes writes in the active voice.
    • Generally, sentences are varied in length and structure. Although easy to read aloud, writing may have some choppiness.
    • Sentence beginnings vary yet are routine, generic. Uses simple, compound and some complex sentence structures that are clear.
    • Generally writes in the active voice.
    • Some sentences are rhythmic and flowing. When read aloud sentence structure flows well and moves reader through the piece.
    • Sentence beginnings are varied and generally add interest and energy; four sentence types (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex) are effective.
    • Mostly writes in the active voice.
    • Sentences are generally varied and well built (parallel structure, some appositives, gerunds, etc.). They have flow, rhythm, and cadence that invites expressive oral reading.
    • Varied sentence beginnings help strengthen the piece, adding interest and energy; four sentence types (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex) create appropriate balance and variety.
    • Writes primarily in the active voice.
    • Sentences are varied and well built. They have flow, rhythm, and cadence that invites expressive oral reading.
    • Varied sentence beginnings help strengthen the piece, adding interest and energy; four sentence types (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex) create appropriate balance and variety.
    • Writes primarily in the active voice.
    • N/A 5th
    • N/A 5th
    • Writing includes some extraneous expressions (i.e.. “this shows,” “maybe,” “the quote is,” etc.).
    • Writing is generally free of extraneous expressions (i.e.. “this shows,” “maybe,” “the quote is,” etc.).
    • Writing is largely free of extraneous expressions. 1-2 exceptions may exist.
    • Writing is free of extraneous expressions and generally free of unnecessary repetition of ideas.
    • Writing is free of extraneous expressions and generally free of unnecessary repetition of ideas; unnecessary fat is completely trimmed from writing.
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  • Range and Quality

    • Prompt language is used correctly. Attempts to use academic or sophisticated language.
    • Rough use of active verbs. Most active verbs are used appropriately.
    • Generally words convey intended meaning.
    • Prompt and non-prompt academic and content language is used accurately and precisely.
    • Rough use of active verbs adds a sense of engagement and voice.
    • In most cases, words are “just right” and clearly communicate intended meaning.
    • Prompt and non-prompt, varied academic and content language is used accurately, precisely, and effectively.
    • Varied use of active verbs gives a sense of individuality and voice.
    • Prompt and non-prompt, varied academic and content language is used accurately, precisely, and effectively.
    • Varied use of active verbs gives a sense of individuality and voice. Almost all words are necessary and contribute to meaning.
    • Non-prompt, varied academic and content language is engaging and used powerfully.
    • Varied use of active verbs gives a sense of individuality and voice.
    • Words convey intended meaning in a precise, interesting, and natural way.
    • Non-prompt, varied academic and content language is engaging and used powerfully. Varied use of active verbs gives a sense of individuality and voice.
    • Connotation of words convey intended meaning and tone in a precise, interesting, and natural way.
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  • Spelling

  • Grammar

    • Numerous errors in spelling hinder comprehension.
    • Any spelling errors are still decipherable and do not inhibit overall comprehension, although some sentences may be hard to understand.
    • Any spelling errors are still decipherable and do not inhibit overall comprehension. Almost all words from prompt and text (names of characters/ places) spelled correctly. Generally, homophones are spelled correctly.
    • Spelling is mostly correct. Mostly, homophones are spelled correctly. Almost all words from prompt/text are spelled correctly.
    • Almost all homophones are spelled correctly. All words from prompt/text are spelled correctly.
    • Spelling is overwhelmingly correct; spelling errors do not hinder comprehension of essay.
    • Almost no mistakes in spelling. Almost all mistakes are a result of risk taking with above grade-level vocabulary (SAT words).
    • All words, including above grade-level vocabulary, spelled correctly.
    • Numerous errors in grammar hinder comprehension.
    • Almost all capitalization and end punctuation correct. Titles written correctly.
    • Additionally, almost all commas in compound sentences, commas in a series, and commas after introductory phrases correct.
    • Additionally, almost all quotations are punctuated correctly and almost all verbs agree.
    • Additionally, almost all complex sentences are punctuated correctly, and almost all verbs are in a consistent tense.
    • Additionally, almost all pronouns are used correctly (agreement, case, no vague pronouns), and almost all possessives are written correctly. Generally, complex punctuation (semi-colon/ colon) is used accurately.
    • Additionally, almost all direct evidence is grammatically and correctly presented (ellipses, brackets). Generally, appositives and gerunds are correctly punctuated. Strong command of grammar allows for clear and effective communication of ideas with minimal disruption.
    • Strong command of grammar supports and enhances ideas presented.